
We as a group created a storyboard of how a music video would be surrounding the ideas of the little red riding hood and her being mislead by the wolf who disguises as her grandmother. The opening scene (above) shows a quite random idea but also fits in quite well with the actual story as it shows red riding hood travelling through the forest with instruments and a speaker-box, we tried going for a wacky idea as this involves a lot of humour and imagery. Equally we had to make this scene look like an actual music video by adding cars into and alcohol because nearly every music video involves money,alcohol or cars.

Equally the Second sheet is a follow on to this scene as now the scene has progressed into the wolf attempting to lure granny in and what he don't know is that granny is just any normal granny she just to COOL. He walks in on granny smoking shisha and she is also quite attractive in the wolfs eyes and he falls for her at first sight. Meanwhile red riding hood is n her way to grandmas not knowing any different and miding her own COOL business. 

Following on from this Sheet three is full of close ups because although there are many shots that can be used in music videos, Close Ups are mainly the preferred shot to use as random images can even be used in music videos whilst using close ups and not even be noticed as the images are flashing and moving and turning